Top 5 Side Hustles From Tik-Tok

Vee Scott
5 min readMay 11, 2022


Hi, my name is VaNee’ I am in the military and I started to realise that in this day and age, if I wanted to live a comfortable life, then I was going to have to pick up a side hustle. We can’t work the normal 9 to 5 and be able to live how we would like. Especially when we all want to travel in luxury, buy new shoes, clothes, or even just be able to pay all our bills and splurge a little.

So I did a little research and these are the top 5 side hustles that Tik-Tok is pushing you to do. They even take little to no money to get started. Mind you, if you want to expand and keep growing your side business it is going to take some investing yourself; learning how to utilize resources you already have is worth it. Sometimes, we think that we don’t have as much as we do and the truth is we are just not taking advantage of everything.

Doing research can be a little overwhelming. So I did you one better by doing the research for you. Just keep reading and find out all the different avenues to get some extra cash.

Note that these are in no specific order.

Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash
  1. TIK — TOK


If you didn’t already know, the tokers are telling you to tik. Sorry, my jokes are pretty horrid — im better in person though. Thats besides the point- the truth is most of the influencers and money gurus on tik-tok are talking about how the app itself is free money on top of being an amazing platform. Plus , there is a diverse range of topics to dive into. Tik-Tok really does no leaving out. You can simply find your niche or even create more advertising for your business.

EXPECTATION: Have at least 10,000 followers and at least 100,000 over all your videos within those last 30 days to start making earnings.


I know what you are thinking, “I am not the in front of camera type of person.” That’s okay! There are 100’s to 1000’s of different ways to make videos that profit money on YouTube. To give you an example- you could even download a handful of tik-toks of the same category, let’s say cleaning, merge them all into one YouTube video, and post ‘TOP 15 TIK-TOK CLEANING HACKS’. EASY. It’s so easy that my boyfriend even got a little extra change by uploading his gaming videos. Takes a little bit of software and a decent computer but if you have that you are moving in the right direction.

EXPECTATION: Have a 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours from the year to start making earnings.

3. Writing children’s books

Honestly, you just need to have a creative- fun way of thinking A couple of things you will need is canvas, and if you plan on selling try amazonkdp. Once you are certified with KDP you can begin to upload your work. Canva is free, and once you feel like you are a pro you can even upgrade the app to match your skill. As I stated earlier with a bit of creativity, a few animals, 8 to 10 pages, your result will be a remarkable children’s book. By the way, Tik-tokers are super into digital marketing. It is all about working from the comfort of your own home. Bonus points if you have children around to give you insider input.

EXPECTATION: You just have to sale your books with KDP and you gain a commission. Now I do believe that there is a certain sale rate/ percentile that you have to meet before you see the money but I am sure when you get started all of that will be explained.

Photo by Josh Appel on Unsplash

4. Writing blogs

Maybe start with medium. Im just saying — it’s a great start. Sometimes, it is difficult trying to find a platform but medium is super easy. I know what you may be thinking, “I am not a strong writer.” The truth is you don’t have to be. You just have to find a niche / something that you like and just start writing. it could be as simple as your favourite anime or even all the places that you have seen in the world and what you liked most about them. You can even upload your personal journal — as long as people want to read- even if they don’t you’re still in business.

EXPECTAION — your expectation is different for every platform but if you were using a platform like medium then it all depends on how many readers you are bringing in.

5. Affiliate marketing

I’m going to be completely honest with you, this is the hardest-easiest thing you could ever do. Now, hear me out. I only say that it is hard because if you are like me — a small-town girl with no real exposure to social media and all the people that are on it… it can be a little complicated. At the same time, it is super easy. Build your social media platform and tell people about products you like with a link going back to that item/service. Okay, maybe I told a white lie it is not that hard at all. However, you will need a social media status of some sort and people that deem you trustworthy.

EXPECTATION: This all depends on you. Every service/ product has different means of paying; most common that I have seen is through commission so it all depends on how many people buy with your link. Bonus, for amazon, if you share your link to one specific item and the customer goes and adds more to their cart still utilising your link. Then you will get commission for that whole payment!!! I thought that was dope.

Well, that is all I have. I hope you have enjoyed it — let me know if you have any questions or want me to research something else. Thank you for reading, your true friend, Vee.



Vee Scott

I am a twenty-something, who is here to teach you where we belong in this world while writing about it. | MILITARY | ENTREPRENEUR | BLOGGER | YOUTUBER